Earn $82.50 Per Hour Watching Youtube Videos! | (Earn Money Online in 2021)


 today i'm going to show you how to make money
watching youtube videos and the best
part about it is you don't need any
money you don't need any special
equipment all you need is a computer or
a smartphone to start making money to
get started go over to this website
right here hey what's up guys it's john
here and i got a real cool video today
showing you how to make money watching
youtube videos in three simple steps now
before i do that if this is your first
time on my channel i post videos going
over side hustles and different ways you
can make money online so you can escape
your nine-to-five job and become your
own boss make sure you hit that like and
subscribe button for more videos just
like this and don't forget guys check
out my description down below for more
ways to make money online i posted at
least four or five legit ways to make an
extra 100 to 500 per week online all
right let's jump into step number one
you're gonna go to google.com and you're
gonna look for this website right here
called add me fast add me fast.com click
on the first website that you see and
it's going to look just like this the
way this website works is it basically
helps people grow their social media
accounts whether they're trying to grow
a facebook page a youtube channel or
even a twitter or an instagram page they
can come to this website right here and
this website is going to help them get
more likes and views to their page so
come to addmefast.com
and you're going to click right here
where it says try for free right now and
create a free account once you set up
your account head over to your email
make sure you look out for the
confirmation email to actually activate
your account on admast.com
once you do that you're gonna get access
to your members area that's gonna look
just like this where you're gonna start
earning points just for watching youtube
videos now don't worry you don't gotta
spend all day watching videos trying to
get thousands and thousands of points
i'm gonna show you a cool little trick
that you can use to start leveraging
your points right away and start making
money inside of your account you're
gonna go over to the points column on
the left hand side and scroll down until
you see youtube views right here click
on youtube views and inside of here
you're gonna click on this green button
and it's gonna pull up this little video
page once this little video page pulls
up it's going to automatically start
playing a youtube video and you don't

actually have to watch the video if it
interests you that's completely fine you
can watch it but you can obviously to
you can honestly just let the video play
and walk away and just start earning
points just like this so once you're
letting this video play right here you
can see that it's actually counting down
the timer right here once it gets to 150
seconds that's when you're gonna start
earning your 40 points so every 150
seconds every two minutes you're
basically earning 40 points and you're
basically making over a hundred points
for every three videos that you watch
and real quick if you actually do want
to sit and watch the video you can
actually skip the videos that you don't
want to see so if you want to actually
watch videos that interest you you can
go ahead and click on the skip button at
the bottom and go to the next video
until you find something you actually
want to watch and that's it guys i just
got another 40 points added to my
account just for watching a simple
youtube video so you can watch the next
video here or go ahead and skip the
video until you find something you want
to watch then you're gonna go to step
number two for step number two you're
gonna come to this website right here
playerup.com playerup.com basically lets
people sell trade buy accounts online so
they can either sell a youtube account a
gaming account a twitter account people
can come on here buy trade and sell
accounts that they create on the
internet and this is exactly how we're
going to make money but don't worry you
don't need to have your own account that
you're going to sell they actually have
other ways to start earning so if i go
up to the top right here you're going to
click on instagram accounts right here
inside of here you can see that people
are selling instagram likes for five ten
dollars sixteen dollars twenty dollars
every single day people are selling
instagram likes to new pages or people
that are trying to grow their instagram
so what you're gonna do is start selling
instagram likes to start making money
all you have to do is go all the way up
to the top right here click right here
where it says post a new listing and
you're going to create your own posts
selling instagram likes you can sell
anywhere between 500 to 1000 when you're
just starting off that'd be completely
fine and just fill out the rest of the
information right here letting people
know that you sell legit instagram likes
and if you keep scrolling to the bottom
right here here's where you're gonna
enter in your price so i'd say if you're
just starting off you're gonna be
charging around five to ten dollars for
every 500 or every thousand likes on
instagram so go ahead and enter in the
amount of money you're gonna charge
right here then click right here where
it says create a buy link and once you
finish that you're gonna have your own
posts just like these people have right
here selling instagram likes for twenty
dollars seven dollars eleven bucks 16
bucks and when somebody actually clicks
on buy and they hire you for instagram
likes you're gonna go to step number
three or step number three you're gonna
come back to this website addmefast.com
the first website we've been over and
you're going to click right here where
it says add at the top then inside of
here you're going to create your own
post where you're going to pay people
your points for liking the instagram
post that you got hired for on this page
right here so come back to add me fast
you're gonna click right here where it
says type and you're gonna scroll all
the way down to the bottom until you see
instagram likes right here in the middle
instagram likes and when somebody hires
you for a job all you're gonna do is
post their url right here and at the
bottom instead of putting 25 i'd say
start off with five points you're only
gonna pay five points to anybody that
likes the instagram post once you do
that you're gonna have your own post
just like this and when somebody clicks
on likes it's gonna take up five of your
points so to start getting more points
all you have to do is start watching
more youtube videos and you can see you
can start fulfilling people's post
whenever they hire you for a job using
the points that you got on add
just for watching youtube videos all
right guys so that's actually a pretty
cool way to make money watching youtube
videos the only problem is once you run
out of points then you got to start
everything all over again so i want to
give you a better option check this out
this past weekend on the 13th i got a
commission payout of

994 dollars basically a thousand dollars
in a week online what i do is something
called affiliate marketing where i
partner up with big websites like amazon
help them sell and promote their
products and i earn a commission every
time i sell a product i scroll down to
the bottom right here where it says
become an affiliate then i can sign up
to the affiliate marketing program start
recommending their products and earn a
commission every time i sell something
and this is literally what i'm doing to
earn thousands of dollars every single
week online now there's better products
out there other than amazon if you want
to learn the best products to make money
with click that first link in my
description my number one recommended
income stream and you're gonna get
access to this 15 day training that's
actually going to teach you the best
products to start selling and how to set
up your websites to actually start
making sales you don't need any
experience to get started and this
training is only seven dollars so
definitely check it out if you want to
learn how to start building a legit
business online alright so that's it for
this video if you got some value from it
make sure you hit that like and
subscribe button and check out my
channel guys i literally post videos
every day showing you some of the best
ways to make money online so click on
another video and i'll see you the
