How I Make $100 Passive Income Per Day Mining Ethereum!


in today's we're going to be going

over something a little bit different a
bit of a side hustle
that i started doing recently and i'm
going to show you exactly how i'm making
a hundred dollars per day
in passive income with this side hustle
by mining
crypto currencies now i've been mining
coins for a lot of years now i've
managed to build up quite a good
portfolio of coins
but i stopped a couple of years ago
because it didn't it was like not
profitable anymore
but now it's become very profitable
again and i've started mining over the
last couple weeks
and i'm making some really good money so
i want to actually show you exactly what
i'm doing
i just in case you're interested in
getting into something like this right
because it is a pretty good way to make
a side hustle and this is truly passive
i don't touch this i set it up once i
leave it alone
and it makes me money now um this
i'm just doing this for fun so i was
actually going to buy some more
cryptocurrency and i thought why don't i
actually go and
build a new mining rig and actually mine
it myself
because in the long run if the price of
crypto stays the way it is
it's going to be extremely profitable
for me so let's talk about exactly what
i'm doing
and how i'm doing this and how you could
potentially get into making money
with mining your own cryptocurrency
specifically at the moment
ethereum is the most profitable one to
mine if you want videos every single
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access to one of my courses so let's get
into this video the first step is what
is actually mining
cryptocurrencies so you've probably
heard of cryptocurrencies bitcoins
litecoin what else do i own i've got red
coin a few dogecoins
so there's all of these coins that you
can actually go on mine and essentially
there's these mathematical algorithms
out there and you can use
your gaming pc any type of graphics card
you can use these on things called asic
miners you can use all of these
different types of machines
to mine these coins now as times go
as times gone on it's become a little
bit more difficult
but when the price drops and difficulty
drops and usually
when the price goes up the difficulty
goes up because more people are mining
but if you want to kind of know
more about mining and what it is and how
it works you can simply go and find some
documents on the internet
but what i want to do in this video is
show you exactly how i'm making around
about a hundred so you see here
a hundred dollars per day eight hundred
dollars per week
and three thousand two hundred dollars
per month in my currency
mining ethereum which is the most
profitable coin
at this point of time so my mining rig
we will actually talk about
um i'll show you all of the stats in a
second but my mining rig that i use
is it looks exactly like this and i have
eight rtx
3070 cards graphics cards
now the first step you want to do if you
want to get into mining is you first
want to see what is the prof most
profitable coin to mine
so you can go to um what to and
the most profitable one at this point of
time is ethereum
then um we have ravencoin vertcoin
we've got all of these coins that you
can potentially mine now ethereum is
going crazy right
now like two months ago three months ago
the the value of it wasn't like half
right but now that it's so high
everyone's trying to mine it and there's
really good money to make
so the next step once you kind of think
what kind of coin you want to go and
mine the next step is to go to a mining
calculator and figure out how much you
could potentially make
from your gaming pc or even if you want
to set up a rig
so i'm at which is this
one here mining
calculator and we're going to be talking
about gpu mining because that's
you you know you've probably got a
graphics card laying around at home
and um there's asic miners which are
like quite expensive and it's a whole
different ball game that's what you use
for bitcoin and
people are starting to use them for
ethereum but if we go to gpu mining
and here you can pick your specific
graphics card
it'll tell you precisely well it's
pretty accurate
how much you're going to make from your
specific graphics card
okay so i'll just wait for this to load
real quick all right so now it's loaded
you essentially want to go down and you
want to find a graphics card that you
maybe have in your computer at home or
something like that now what i'm going
to do is i'm going to actually click on
the one that i have
in my mining rig right now which is the
rtx 3070
and what it will do is will tell me that
i could potentially make these are
different algorithms and mining pools so
you sign up to these mining pools and
start mining
if i was on this mining pool i would
make about ten dollars per day
from one card so if you have one of
those cards in your computer
and just keep in mind that if we go back
here there's lots of different cards
so you can use old school cards you can
use new cards whatever cards you want
um now what i recommend uh so
so yeah i can make ten dollars per day
seven dollars depending on the mining
pool that you're in i'm in this one here
now it does fluctuate quite a lot per
day some become more profitable than
others but you can use a thing called
profit switching if you like
now if i'm going to go down here i'm
just going to go compare
now i'm not necessarily comparing it to
any other card
but what i can do is i can put in a unit
number so
8. so i have eight of these cards and it
tells me exactly
what i'm going to be earning from this
with my card so if we go down here from
eight cards i'm going to be earning 86
u.s per day with my run with my mining
rig which in my currency is over a
hundred dollars per day
so that's how you go and calculate what
you're going to make now once you
actually have your card
um and all that sort of stuff or you
have your gaming pc and you want to
actually go and set this up and
you want to start mining what i do is i
just went to this website here which is
called i started up a free
account that's not a promotion or
i started up a free account and actually
started doing everything for me i just
plugged it in it found the best pool for
me and it started mining
okay and what you have is these things
called workers here
so this is one of my workers what's the
only worker i have
and you can see um we click on my worker
here and in my worker settings i have
everything here so my um income is
today is going to be around about 85
dollars it's under 100
but it does fluctuate a lot sometimes
it's 60 100 120 but it averages out
over a hundred dollars i have eight
cards running temperatures 50 fans are
at 94 percent
efficiencies at 96 now we do have a
problem with a few of my cards
so if we scroll down here there's two
cards that have low efficiency
so i do need to look at that um probably
an overclock setting so these cards are
now these are running at 60 mega hashes
and what this means
is every single card has a mega hash and
this is what's used to mine the coins
and this is how you do your calculations
based off the mega hashes so it's got
all of these kind of like crazy
algorithm calculations here but all you
need to know is
what mega hash does your card um do and
you can find that out by using these
and then how many you need to get to the
mega hash that you want
so right now i can go down to my hash
and i'm running a total of 484 mega
hashes which is pretty good
that's pretty high but yeah this is how
you can set up this is all automatic
it's all set up it all runs
automatically for me
or you could manually set up pools on
your pc but that's quite difficult to do
you'd have to go and find tutorials on
and you can see this has actually
changed again now if i go down to my
balance monitoring and i can actually
click on my balance
it hasn't updated yet um i go to us
um i have 146 dollars waiting to be sent
out to me
and you can see my today's actually been
a pretty bad day
the my mega hash has been really
inconsistent so i have to chip maybe
that maybe the pool isn't doing very
well today
usually it's a straight line so usually
the blue line is completely straight
and my mega hash stays consistent but it
hasn't in this case
but essentially that's what i'm doing is
going out and mining these particular
um coins now the thing is right when
you're doing this
there is a cost obviously the product
wasn't free for me the mining the mining
or anything or anything like that so the
mining rig cost me ten thousand dollars
i'm going to pay it off in around about
four months if the ethereum price
stays the way it is if the ethereum
price goes up i'm going to pay it off
but i'm actually not going to be paying
it off i'm going to be holding those
because i bought the mining rig
essentially to mine
coins to hold them for the future and
um if i wanted to let's say i needed
money for some reason i could sell the
rig or cards if i needed to anyway
so it's a pretty good investment because
i'm going to get my money back
one way or another now there's also a
big risk in mining cryptocurrencies
specifically at this point of time so
first of all there's always going to be
there's a risk of the price dropping
okay the next one is ethereum mining
will be obsolete eventually between 2020
uh 2022 and 2023 they
they estimate what's happening is the
algorithms are going to what's called
proof of stake
and you won't be able to mine ethereum
anymore you can still mine other coins
but they won't be as as profitable
i think if i use my rig to mine the next
coin down i'm looking at like 20 bucks
per day maybe
so ethereum is the best of mine right
and the mining difficulty is getting
what that means is so essentially the
more people that mine the coin
the harder it is to buy coins and stuff
so in the last week
um the difficulty actually the last
month the difficulties gone from 4.8
a 4.18 all the way up to
5.15 right so it's going up gradually
it's going up
i think in like three month period it's
going up around about 30
so it's like 10 per month okay so the
does go up however if you can afford to
go and set up a rig
buy a card or you already have a card
laying around it's definitely worth
going and mining some coins because i
literally set this up in a couple of
it doesn't take long at all i'm making
around about a hundred dollars per day
in value of ethereum right now
in my currency that i could sell if i
wanted to it's completely
passive income you can see it's changed
again i have these little workers
well there's one worker running for me
right now it's got all of my
um it's got all of my stats
it's easy to follow it's easy to set up
it's easy to run i've even got my power
consumption there so you actually have
to take up power consumption costs as
well which mine's around about a hundred
per month um but everything is here
everything i need to know
you can even get alerts sent to your
phone in case your rig overheats
but it's been running very very smooth
for the last one day
or we've actually been running it um for
a long time
um but for the last three days we had a
few dips here but it's been running very
very smooth and i've been making over a
hundred dollars a day
with ethereum all right guys so that's
what i've been doing
pretty much in the last few weeks i just
wanted to share this in case you were
in kind of mining you didn't know what
it is maybe this has piqued your
you can go and check out more tutorials
on how you can actually go and mine
coins and
what's the best rig and what's the best
card i just want to show you what i was
doing to make a little bit more
extra passive income in my life as a
side hustle
by mining ethereum if you want some more
free videos on how to make money online
i'll leave some videos up on the screen
that will take you through step by step
one of the best ways to make money
online don't forget to subscribe
smash that like button tap that
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