How To Make Money Online For FREE As a Kid Or Teenager (MUST SEE!)


how to make money online as a kid or

teenager in
2020 stay tuned that's exactly what i'm
going to be showing you in today's video
and you are not going to want to miss
this one by the end of this video if you
watch it all the way through
you are going to be a money making
machine making potentially hundreds and
hundreds of dollars
every single day just from a laptop or
and i'm gonna be teaching you exactly
how to do this
step by step and the best thing about it
guys this is gonna be completely
free to do okay i'm gonna be showing you
two methods in this video
one is yeah 100 free to do and the other
way is
a little bit faster but it's going to
cost you a small amount of money but you
don't have to do that it's going to be
up to you okay if you don't have any
money to put into this
don't worry you can use the free method
it's just as easy it's just as good
and honestly you can make more money
with that it's just gonna be a little
bit of extra work
but it's definitely worth it so guys in
this video like i said i'm gonna be
showing you exactly what to do
step by step so don't worry about a
thing i've got you covered in this video
but before we do get into it take a look
at this
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without further ado
let's get into today's video i'm going
to show you how to make money online
even if you're a kid or a teenager so
let's go
all right then guys so here we are on my
laptop now like i said do not worry
about a thing i'm gonna be going over
everything you need to know in this
okay do not worry about anything
everything is going to be okay
you're not going to have any questions
by the end if you watch the whole thing
you're not going to have any questions
because i'm going to explain everything
to you
and like i said you're going to be a
money making machine by the end of this
making hundreds of dollars a day
all right so let's get into it let me
show you what we're gonna be doing
so we're gonna be using this website
right here you might have seen this
before this is
this is a website where people can come
upload the designs put it onto all sorts
of different products whatever you want
okay phone cases
t-shirts mugs hats it could be
absolutely anything
they got loads of loads of different
things okay we can see it right here
they've got apparel they've got home
decor you can put on you can put your
designs on pillowcases and posters and
tapestries and canvas prints
socks phone cases accessories mugs
all sorts of different things all right
and that's what we're going to be doing
we're going to be making some designs
i'm going to be showing you exactly how
to do this so don't worry
we're gonna be making these designs
we're gonna be uploading them onto
teespring putting them on all sorts of
different products
and selling them and teespring is gonna
be doing basically
everything for us okay we don't have to
do anything except
upload the design and it's to be really
really simple to do
so i'm going to be showing you two ways
like i mentioned at the start of this
video okay
the first method i'm going to be showing
you is a free method it's not going to
cost you a single
penny it's going to be completely 100
free to do and the second
method is going to be a lot faster
you're going to get a lot better designs
but it's going to cost you a small
amount of money okay but i would
recommend you watch that okay because
if you don't have money right now start
off with the free method
and then once you start making money
with that free method invest that into
the paid method
and then you can start making even more
money with less
work all right so let's start off with
the free method you're gonna come to
website right here this is
okay so what would you like to design
that's what you want to choose first of
all so
if you're designing uh depending on what
you've chosen on teespring
it could be a phone case could be a
t-shirt whatever you want okay
you're going to want to come here and
choose whatever it is so
let's search actually if you go to
templates there you can search for
everything you need right here okay so
let's just do
t-shirts for this example okay because
it's right there you can do
you can sell t-shirts on teespring so
let's just use this as an example
right so all of these right here are
templates okay
pre-designed for us that we can just
click on and edit a little bit to our
liking if you want to
or you can just leave it as it is i
wouldn't recommend leaving it as
it is but yeah you can customize it
however you like on here okay so
let's choose any random one of these
let's go with this super mommy okay
there we go use this template
let's have a look and there we go super
mom it's a pretty
nice looking template right i'm pretty
sure a lot of mums
would love to wear this t-shirt just to
show off how super of a mum they are
you could upload this onto teespring
just literally you could just download
this as it is if you want just click
and upload it on the teespring boom
you're done okay
or you can click on it and change all
the different colors okay you've got
loads of different colors on here that
you can choose from
you can design it however you like i'm
just going to change every single color
on you for now
um let's go with this one
um don't know what color that's changing
yeah i'll keep that white
so boom there we go that's changed if
you want to change the color of the font
by all means do that as well as you can
see you can change it there
change this one as well you could do
basically whatever
you want to the designs on here okay
so this is the free method that i wanted
to show you i'm not going to go over it
in more detail just going to waste your
time you can just come to and
start designing they've got a load of
things on here already
if you want to make your own designs
they've got different little sticker
shapes frames all sorts of things for
you to use
for your designs okay be creative
and make some pretty cool designs make
whatever you want okay
what i would recommend doing is jumping
on some hot trends okay i'm not sure
what's trending right now maybe that uh
so like last year fortnight was trending
right so a lot of people were making
fortnite t-shirts
and things like that and they were
selling like hotcakes everyone's buying
that stuff like crazy okay so fortnite
is dying a bit now so maybe find another
trend what's that other game people are
playing now the
one with the little men falling over
comment more school comment down below
if you know what the game i'm talking
about there's like little
little like minion looking guys running
around and they just keep
fought i can't remember what it's called
comment down below if you know what this
game's called
but you could do something like that
okay just jump on hot trends because
love to buy things like that especially
kids uh you can be selling to your
friends in school maybe they'll want a
t-shirt with that
whatever that game is on it you can make
a t-shirt for them upload it on there
start showing it to your friends and say
hey bye bye let's teach you how sick
this t-shirt is
maybe buy one for yourself wear it to
school and then just show off walk
around struck yourself
look at my new t-shirt yeah you wanna
get one of these i'll send you a link
send them a link to your your design
okay so that's what we're gonna want to
jump on hot trends or just make some
cool designs however you
like okay so that is free method that is
the completely free method
just designing it yourself i'll show you
how to upload it onto the on the
teespring and make a design everything
like that later on but for now
i do want to show you the paid method so
for this we're going to want to go to okay fiverr is a place where
people freelance themselves doing
basically anything
you can imagine but what we're going to
be doing is
getting people to design things for us
so let's stick with t-shirts for this
so let's type in t-shirt
design all right and we can pay somebody
it's very very cheap honestly guys i'll
show you now you can pay somebody some
like really small amount of money to
design some t-shirts
for you it's gonna be a lot less work
for you you literally just pay the
to give them an idea of what you want
they'll make it for you
and you just upload it it's going to
take you no time at all it's going to
take you five minutes just to find
give them your ideas wait like a few
days and to send the designs back to you
and then just upload those so let's have
a look
what we have here so i will do badass
t-shirt design for you with
any styles all right so we've got these
options we've got we've got hundreds
maybe even thousands
of people who will design shirts for you
find somebody that you like okay find a
style that you
like if you want to filter it by like
the price and things like that
by all means you can okay you could
settle by best selling and newest
arrival if you have a certain
budget maybe you only want to spend five
so you can just put that but let's put a
max of five dollars
so let's click on this um let's go with
this person actually because
he's got quite a few reviews and he's
only charging five dollars so
two creative t-shirt designs ready to
upload and sell on amazon
teespring or printful so this guy is
doing exactly
what i was looking for he is selling
these designs
for you guys that upload on the
teespring okay this guy is absolutely
he's gonna check him out that's his name
right here ily
ass okay so uh yeah this guy
would be perfect two dollars per design
pretty much okay
if you get one of these better packages
i guess so this guy you can get
35 dollars for 10 creative design
t-shirts and we've got some pretty cool
ones right here as you can see
just give him your ideas and he will
come back to you in a few days
look at this one five days delivery for
that three days for this one
and one day delivery so five dollars you
two t-shirt designs okay within
one day that is an absolute bargain guys
so use somebody like this
send them your ideas get the t-shirts
sent back to you
and then start uploading them on the
teespring so
let me show you how exactly to do that
so for this example i haven't got it i'm
not going to pay anyone for this
i am just going to download this one
right here this is an example
okay download oh this one okay
unfortunately guys
some of these i didn't notice yet it is
watermark there but some of these on
canva not all of them
just some are watermarked and you have
to pay for them
but there are a lot of free ones okay i
think this one right here i think this
one's free
um can't pay for images get canva pro i
love this image
so this one isn't free either download a
free watermark draft let's just do that
for now okay just as an example but
you can scroll through and find the ones
that are free okay not all of them are
free do you have to pay for some of them
just ignore those ones just move on to
the next one or design them yourself if
you design them completely for yourself
that is free using the templates some of
them are paid some of them are free okay
but for this example let's just get a
watermarked version you're not gonna
you definitely don't want to put
watermelon stuff on teespring
i think they just just decline it okay
so don't do that
but let's go back to teespring let's
click this button at the top
start creating
so the first thing you want to do is
create a free account so i'm going to do
this quickly i'm going to sign into my
account and then i'll show you okay
all right so i just created a free
account on teespring just a completely
fresh one just to show you what's going
to look like for you
so this is it this is the dashboard this
is where you can see all your analytics
the what listings you've got how much
money you've made
things like that okay but again we're
gonna click this button start
creating at the top here and then we
will get
into it okay we're getting to upload in
the picture
create choosing what things you want to
upload it on what kind of products you
want to sell
all of that good stuff is in here so
choose your
product okay choose whatever you want
for this example
we were just doing a t-shirt right so
let's just go with
this one's a woman's t-shirt for example
so let's choose this
now once you've chosen your product you
can choose the quality that you want
okay so this one
women's comfort tea um that one is a
hundred percent
premium soft cotton this classic tea
this is just a hundred percent
cotton boyfriend tea slouchy tea we got
all sorts of different kinds depending
on which one you want to make
um it's entirely up to you okay there's
different prices for each one
this price doesn't come out of your
pocket at all okay
for example this one here is 12.76
right but you will that will only come
once you get a sale so if you're selling
this for 30 dollars for example
that will then get taken out once you
get a sale it'll take out 12.76
and you will keep the rest it never
comes out of your pocket beforehand so
don't worry about that
so choose whatever kind you want and
it's going to go with this comfort teep
and now let's click on this
let's click on sell and now we can add
our image all right so i'm going to add
the image right here
and uh yeah then we can start choosing
the colors and things like that so let
me add the image real quick
all right so there we go i've added the
images uploading it okay it's uploading
your artwork right now
boom it is done and there we go as you
can see
it's there it's just on the t-shirt and
that'd be good to go already if you were
if you were happy with this boom if
you've got images ready that's literally
all you need to do is add an image
now you can add text and things like
that if you want to
okay but if you've got designs then
you're probably not going to want to do
but you can you can just put text if you
want to
you can choose the product colors as
well now
this one is not going to look so good
because it's just a white
square right you're going to want to try
and find a transparent
background okay that's the best thing to
do make it as a transparent background
for that to do that on canva you
actually have to pay for it but
i would actually recommend doing the
fiverr method because this guy is going
to do them all
as a transparent background anyway okay
they're going to be transparent it's
going to look nice on
any color design that you do okay for
these ones because it's a white
background or whatever background it is
it doesn't look so good it only really
looks good on a white t-shirt
anything else doesn't look too great
right but if it's a transparent
background you don't have to worry it's
just going to look really clean you
won't see the white square just say
different is good
it'll look really really nice okay so
once you've chosen what colors you want
to do it in i would recommend just
choosing all i don't see why
why you wouldn't choose them all unless
like really ugly it doesn't cost
anything extra or nothing like that it's
just completely free to do
you can also add some things onto the
back as well if you want to
okay if you want to add an image on the
back instead of the front just click
front or back okay really easy simple as
and now you can click continue and then
just go
through all the steps i'm not going to
go through every single step
teespring are really good at doing that
for you okay
they're really helpful if you want to do
it on even more products as well
look they've got unisex madness t-shirts
hoodies and sweatshirts they've got tank
you can do it on as many different
products as you want to it's entirely up
to you
now if you want to change anything you
can just click edit if you want to
change the price okay so currently
they're set at
22.99 per t-shirt so that would mean
you're gonna get nine dollars and 82
profit for every single t-shirt that you
if you want more profit if you want to
be more greedy just up the price 24.99
if you want to get even more up the
price again 29.99 it's entirely
up to you guys okay if you want to sell
it at a bargain and only make a small
amount of money
then maybe just do i don't know 17.99
then you're gonna get
like nearly five dollars every single
time but you're gonna get probably more
sales because it's a cheaper t-shirt
entirely up to you how you want to do it
do some testing okay sell
some for more expensive sell some for
cheaper see which ones work the best see
which ones get you the most
money okay it's gonna all gonna be about
testing different
things all right so again you can choose
the different products you want there
keep clicking continue continue blah
blah blah title
description add whatever you want if
you're if you've got a t-shirt for
fortnite you just type in this isn't the
fortnite thing but fortnite
women's t-shirt
i don't know just put whatever title you
want but make sure it has the keyword
for whatever you're selling like
if you're selling a fortnight t-shirt
make sure it says fortnite in the title
uh i don't know if you actually just do
whatever you can okay make a title
whatever you can description
write anything about it write one of the
t-shirts about describe the t-shirt okay
because people are searching for things
and they will want to see that's going
to help you when they're searching okay
they're searching for fortnite t-shirt
and that's in your title they're more
likely to find it right okay so that's
what you're going to want to do right
now guys like i said i'm not going to go
through absolutely everything right here
uh it's just simple okay once you've
done this once you've written the
just publish it that's all you got to do
just click publish let me write a little
bit of
fortnite t-shirt publish
listing boom hold tight your great
designs will be live shortly so it's
generating the product images
it's going to be saving the product
images and it's going to be preparing
your listing and once that's done
your t-shirt will be live and ready to
sell okay people are going to be
searching online for it teespring will
do all the marketing and everything for
and literally all you need to do is wait
for sales to come
in and you can go around sharing your
link on social media and stuff too if
you want to right just promote it like
that way you could do some adverts
things like that tell your friends about
send links to your friends on facebook
all sorts of different ways you can
promote your links okay
um i'm just gonna put i mean
i'm a content creator what platform you
primarily use engage your followers
youtube thanks for the input blah blah
blah and now
your t-shirt like i said is ready okay
boom your t-shirt will be good
because uh it's just gonna be uploaded
and ready to go
so guys there we go that is it for this
video if you have any questions you
didn't understand any part of this video
just drop a comment down below and i'll
get back to you down there right
i'm always in the comments reading your
questions and helping you down there
because that's what i'm here for i'm
here to help you make money online
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i will catch you in the next one
