Earn $10,000 Per Month FROM YOUTUBE SHORTS *New Method* (YouTube Shorts Monetization 2021)


youtube shorts people are secretly
earning 10 000 per month from them but
no one is sharing the strategy with
anyone do you know what the strategy is
no it's not dancing in front of your
camera and hoping that you get a brand
deal in fact it doesn't even require you
to film any videos now if you aren't
sure what youtube shorts are basically
it's youtube's version of tiktok or
instagram reels short 60 second videos
that are meant to get tons of views and
go mega viral now i know you probably
don't have all the time in the world to
be sitting down filming youtube shorts
especially since google ad revenue is
basically zero for them but i'm gonna
show you the secret strategy that is
being kept in the dark from you in fact
you can use this strategy for your
personal channel or a youtube automation
channel just like the seven i own that
are currently generating me over quarter
million dollars per year without filming
any videos or showing my face now before
we get into the step number one
out of four make sure to smash the
thumbs up button if you want to enter
into the weekly cash giveaway now let's
jump right into it now if we jump over
here to youtube.com and we type in
shorts that's gonna take us to the short
shelf where all of the shorts create
ever created on youtube are hosted okay
so there's 121 million videos i think
just a couple weeks ago there was like
119 so we're still in the early stages
of taking advantage of youtube shorts
and making tons of money as you can see
lots of funny uh you know comedy shorts
lots of funny memes
interesting facts and different types of
especially ones like this or like this
but i'm going to show you exactly how
we're taking advantage of youtube shorts
without actually filming any videos
ourselves are showing our face now the
exact niche that we are going to go into
is right over here so if we type in
shorts plus funny dogs there's going to
be funny animal videos that pop up that
are less than 60 seconds so they qualify
as shorts and they're getting millions
of views alright so this one right here
funny dogs on tick tock hashtag short 14
million views uh guilty husky tries to
blame other dog 5.3 million views uh
super funny dog videos on tick tock 53
million views so you can see that these
videos are getting millions upon
millions of views and these are all
people watching these so
how are we going to take advantage of
this and how are we going to come up
with funny dog shorts if you don't have
a dog you don't have a camera and you
don't have time to film these short
videos okay i'm going to show you
exactly where we're going to source the
exact videos and how we are going to
place them on youtube to start earning
money not just from google ad revenue
but from other
methods okay so let's go ahead and jump
right into the exact strategy right now
so we're going to come over here to
tick-tock all right now the reason we
come over here to tik-tok is because
there's a lot of content on here um you
know that is basically we could take and
modify to make it unique okay now we
don't want to do that on youtube because
there will be copyright issues even if
it's like a small one-second clip um you
know of the original that just it's
going to bring up some issues so we need
to come over here and get some other
videos now if we come to this account
right here funnydog33
all right uh there's some pretty funny
uh tiktok videos with dogs here as you
see this little um you know shiba inu is
uh basically near this owner's foot and
it smells really bad so he's like
closing his eye now
how are we going to make thousands of
dollars from you know a tick tock like
this and i'm going to show you just
exactly how to do that all right now
these tick tocks are obviously getting
thousands of views so they're proven to
work and get views uh but we're going to
click on this one that's going to take
us here
all right and we're going to grab the
to this video okay so we're going to
grab the url so the little link at the
top of your browser all right and we're
going to come over here to this website
where we can download this tick tock
without the little watermark all right
because we don't want that watermark in
there it looks pretty ugly so we're
going to come over here to
snaptic dot app all right this is a tick
tock video watermark remover so we're
gonna go ahead and paste that link here
and then you're gonna press download and
that's gonna download the video to your
computer okay very important so grab
that video
and then we're gonna move on to the step
number two which we're gonna go over to
a special platform that's gonna allow us
to modify the video okay so this
platform is called
canva.com canva.com it's a free photo
software it's absolutely free i love
this software
and it does really cool things so we're
going to type in mobile video and that's
going to give us templates right here as
you can see there's tons of templates
here for mobile videos that are
absolutely free we're just going to
create a blank mobile video start from
scratch all right
and then we're going to drag and drop
that video from our computer over here
so as you can see if we're playing this
right if we play this video i'm going to
turn the sound off but um you know if we
play this video right here all right as
you can see there's no watermark all
right so that's pretty cool because
that's going to allow us to earn even
more money and i'm going to show you why
so what we're going to do is
go over to elements and we're going to
put some elements in there all right so
we're going to drag that to the top
we're going to make it a little shorter
there we go all right and we're going to
put that there and we can even change
the color all right maybe we make it
black that will stand out more i like
that and we can even add one at the
bottom you know those videos you see on
instagram with the black bars at the top
and bottom it's usually like a funny
meme or a viral video well there's a
reason to the madness into the method of
putting those black bars it's actually
very catchy okay so what we're gonna do
now is now we have this video okay um
with the black bars but we're actually
gonna add some text and i'm gonna show
you exactly what to say to start earning
some money so i like this glow text
that's pretty cool we're actually going
to add that in all right and we're going
to bring that right over here all right
and then we could even make it a little
drag it here and then you know if you
want to adjust the text size we could
you know put it in half and we're going
to type click link
below all right and then we're also
going to do another one and tell people
what they're getting okay so we have to
tell people like why why should they
click down below
right um it doesn't make sense for
someone to just randomly click the link
down below so we're actually going to
tell them what they're getting and we're
going to say for the special um sheba
surprise and that's going to keep them
wondering so they're going to get a
it's going to keep them wandering but
it's definitely gonna make them click
okay it's very catchy uh you know it's
bright pink it's glowing um you know
it's it's a funny video funny dog video
click link below for the special sheba
surprise now you're probably wondering
okay what do you mean click the link
below and
what we're going to do is we're going to
grab a link that will that will direct
to a product that we could sell that has
to do with this funny dog this shiba
right and we're going to make money off
that product and it's totally free you
don't need any you know physical product
or anything like that um all you have to
do is put the link below and i'm gonna
show you how to do it um in just a
moment so what we're gonna do is we're
gonna download this video to our
computer so press download right here on
the top right hand corner save that
video on your computer all right then
what we're going to do is come over here
to youtube and upload the video now
we'll come back to this video but upload
it real quick and we'll come back to
exactly what to say in the description
and title to get it to go viral all
right but the next thing we need is that
link all right so we're going to come
over here to teespring.com
teespring.com which is a basically it's
a commerce uh drop shipping company that
will print on demand for you they'll
make t-shirts mugs journals anything you
want right with your logo
they'll print it they'll print the logo
on the product and ship it out to your
customer okay at no cost all right all
they're going to do is take a portion of
your profit so let's just say you know
10 people click on your product and i'm
going to show you which product we're
going to make for this right it's
selling at 20 bucks right you just made
200 and they'll take maybe you know uh
50 bucks of that all right they'll take
maybe 50 bucks so and you didn't have to
you didn't have to ship anything you
didn't have to store anything in your
house nothing like that so we're gonna
go start designing on teespring i'm
gonna show you the exact product we're
going to design
we're going to type in cloth face mask
because this is very popular right now
right there we're going to click on that
then we're going to get a funny
non-copyright photo of a shiba inu and
what i did was i type in funny dog and
there's actually a lot of shiba inus on
here so i like this one with the little
beanie hat that's pretty funny um
there's one with like a you know
toothbrush in its mouth that's kind of
funny too but i'm actually gonna get
this beanie hat one i like this one this
is this is pretty cool so we're gonna
download that to our computer as well
then we're gonna come over to the uh
teespring launcher we're gonna add the
image okay we're gonna add the image
here boom we're gonna press um actually
we can set our price so for each
face mask you sell you're gonna earn
6.59 profit all right the rest goes to
teespring now if we want to increase the
price to make more profit we could do
that okay so let's just put like 25
dollars i think that's fair
and we go 25 so now for every sale
you're going to earn 16 profit and
they're going to ship it out they're
going to print it they're going to
basically fulfill the order for you okay
all you have to do is have the link all
right so we're gonna press continue
that's gonna take us here and then we're
publish listing and grab our link to our
product which is this is the final
product how it's gonna look all right so
pretty cool then we're gonna go back to
the youtube video all right and we're
going to put an appropriate title there
it's going to be uh sheba
funny moments
all right funny moments and then hashtag
shorts which is very important that you
put that so that youtube recognized that
this is a short video then we're gonna
put um you know
face mask
and then put that there boom that is
your link to your uh your sheep product
okay and whoever clicks on that and buys
you earn 16 per sale goes straight to
your bank account all right straight to
your bank account and we're gonna press
next and look when you upload this video
and it gets you know ten thousand views
twenty thousand views a hundred thousand
views just think about if only one
percent of those people out of a hundred
thousand right that's a thousand sales
times sixteen dollars you could do the
math there that's almost sixteen
thousand dollars in
you know free sales all right so that's
the power of having a product an actual
product that you don't have to store in
your house it just gets drop shipped for
you um and fulfilled with this method
okay the shorts method now this is not
how i utilize youtube in fact i have
seven youtube automation channels that
utilize long form content that make me
over 35 000
per month and if you want to learn
exactly how i do it i filmed the
training for you in the first link down
below this video it's going to take you
to this page right here where you can
watch that training okay you can even
book a call with us and see some of my
clients testimonials making thousands
upon thousands of dollars with their
youtube cash flow channel so go ahead
and check that out and i'll see you in
the next video where i'm gonna link two
more right here one on this exact
business model that i'm talking about
and another with an additional way to
make money online and i'll see you in
the next post take care
